Sunday, October 14, 2018

It's not just Cheap, it's Free

I went to a local Jr Rodeo today. I love local Rodeo!

I love the kids that participate, the volunteers that come out to help the community and the camaraderie of the contestants.

I know that these kids sometimes haul miles and miles to compete in these small Rodeos and that is hard to do. They give up a lot of other functions to participate because this is what they love to do.

BUT- ( Ah, you knew there was going to be a but!)

I surely wish that someone would teach these young riders actual Horsemanship.

By that I don't mean that these kids are unkind to their animals- they aren't.
They make sure they are tied properly, given food and water, left in the shade when possible.

What I mean is the manner in which they are riding; what I call Spur, Jerk and Spank.

I was watching the riders getting their mounts warmed up and what I saw was actually appalling to me. Horses being loped around on some pretty hard ground, riders trying to post on a wrong diagonal,riders trying to counter canter with no real idea of what they were trying to achieve, and racing around the warm up pen. I saw horses in very bad bits, having their mouths sawed off when trying to stop.

One girl was coming to the finish wire on the left lead and jerked her horse to the right to circle him. Guess what happened? Yep! Popped her up like a cork out of a bottle. ( She didn't fall off though- Whew!)
I ask myself," Who are teaching these kids how to ride?" Maybe I should ask, " Is anyone teaching these kids how to ride?"

I hear Mom and Dad at the gate, shrilling, yelling directions. I see kids over mounted on some speed horses. I see very few riders that have a clue about BASIC riding and horsemanship. Could it be that the parents just don't know? Or don't they care?

When you go to the more professional Rodeo, you will see at least the Basic Horsemanship being practiced. To win in some of these events you have to understand lead changes, shoulder movement and weight displacement.

 So where did these professionals learn ?

I'll answer my own question- they were taught it from the time they stepped onto a horse- no matter their age.

Just like anything else- practice makes perfect- and PERFECT Practice makes PERFECT better.

Parents and Grandparents and Girlfriends and Boyfriends, actually anyone with access to NEW riders, Please teach Horsemanship to your students. No matter if you are riding


 Western Trail,

 Bull Dogging,

 or Barrel Racing,

just get those basics down pat!

Don't add 'more bit".
    Teach a good stop.

Don't add "more whip."
    Teach a good seat.

Don't add "more speed!"
     Teach leads.

Don't add "more spur."
 Teach proper diagonals.

It's hard to own a horse. They are expensive and getting more so by the minute. But passing knowledge to new riders can be free!

The Internet has tons of video.I won't add a link here, because your style of riding and training is very personal. TIP: Try to train or ride with someone with the same 'horse values' as you.

The Library has free magazines with articles on every subject.
Western Horseman
Horse and Rider
Dressage Today

Every discipline has value to every rider. Gymkhana  horses can learn from Dressage Riders. Dressage Riders can learn from Cutters. Barrel Racers can learn from Hunter Jumpers.

Take the time to learn all you can and no matter which style of riding you choose,you will become a much better Horseman.

Happy Trails!

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