Wednesday, August 8, 2018

For all my little 'Serial Killers' out there- I love you

"To Make the Best Better"
                           4-H Motto

I don't know if you saw the video clip of that wack a doo, Peta supporting, no load, non-bred loser calling our children little serial killers- but I did.

I try so hard not to react to these kinds of shock-tactic posts~ but this time I can't let it go. You see, I am a 'Serial Killer'- a grown up alumni of the 4-H. I raised two wonderful women who are 4-H alumni and they are raising two boys, one which is a member of the 4-H and the other will be as soon as he learns to talk ( He's a year old).

The green and white uniform means integrity.

Now I understand that not everyone wants to raise an animal for food. That is your privilege. So lets just take the animal out of this equation for a moment.

Projects such as Photography help a child to see the world differently.

4-H is more than just animals. It is community. It is friendship. It is commitment.  Children are required to keep records, use documents and make a budget. They know the 4-H Pledge and live it. They know the Pledge of Allegiance and it's not just a bunch of meaningless words. The kids must give presentations, speak plainly and with conviction, be polite, respect authority, play nice, use their intelligence for the greater good, and have fun doing it!

There are Projects like Marine Biology, Rocket Science, Fashion, Cooking, Art, Woodworking and Aquatic Farming. I think that I have seen television shows about all of these topics lately, so it seems that these kinds of jobs are going to need the skills that the 4-H can teach.

4-H teaches Archery, firearm safety, canning and sewing too. If the Zombie Apocalypse happens, these skills might also be in high demand!
Learning to guide an animal much bigger than them gives a child confidence.

Okay- back to the animals. With the world population growing at an astounding rate, the main focus of civilization will be the raising and farming of food. The 4-H is an extension of that future need. Kids learn to judge what a good animal should be, then learn how to raise it to it's maximum weight in a loved and healthy environment. Respect for the animal is high on all 4-H lists. Abuse and thoughtlessness are not tolerated by any part of the organization- especially from their peers. You take care of the animals first- always. You would never see a 4-Her abandon an animal. You won't see them at chicken or dog fights. They won't be the kids throwing kittens into lakes or puppies into fire.
And the kids I know would take on a gang of bullies to keep that from happening.

Honors and Achievements are shown as pins, bars and stars on the 4-H hat.

You won't see a 4-H kid hording horses or pigs or dogs or cats. They know how much food and care it takes to maintain even one animal. They are realists. But if there was a way to help suffering animals, they will be the first in line to lend a hand or donate their time or money.

Children from different walks of life are competing fairly and happily.

My little 'Serial Killers' cry when their animals go to market, even when they are tired of getting up at the crack of dawn before school to feed and walk those animals. They have compassion tempered with realist expectations. Those little packages of meat in the Grocery must come from somewhere and they know this going in. And I'm proud to say that the kids do feel sadness, they are not monsters or heartless. It doesn't get easier but they do get wiser.

It's never easy to say goodbye to a project animal.

I've seen kids fail and pick themselves up and carry on. I've seen fierce competitors hug each other after competition. Countless acts of selflessness abound. The kids will stay up all night to help one another prepare for the show the next day.

Taking a quick siesta before they all have to dress and show. They were up early to bathe and groom the animals.

4-H creates a larger community than the one they reside in. Entering in the County Fair is a chance for the many Clubs to come together and it's like a family reunion. Friendships are long lasting and far reaching. The 4-H camps give the kids an opportunity to have fun and re connect with friends that may live further away than a car ride. 4-H also provides a National community, with competitions that draw entries from all over the United States. 4-H provides scholarships at all levels too.
You don't need to be rich to be in 4-H. You just have to want to succeed.

The judge gives his perspective on this girls market animal.

The leaders in 4-H are the salt of the earth. They have children, sometimes many children, but each kid gets the attention they need to succeed in their chosen projects. 4-H only works because of the families. Parents have to take part, and in many situations it is the grandparents,aunts and uncles that step up. Unlike many Urban sports where the child is dropped off and then picked up hours later, 4-H'ers rely  on family participation. And when Big Sister or Big Brother are winning, the littler ones are shown strong role models to follow.

Moms and Dads, Grandparents and youngsters are a integral part of the 4-H family.

I was a leader for more than 10 years, and a lot of parents are in it even longer. My 4-H alumni kids are now Doctors, Veterinarians, Horse Trainers, Policemen, Nurses and Teachers, Actors, Mothers and Fathers, some served in the Military. I can recount with pride how this one stood up with shaking knees and gave his first presentation or how that one learned to ride a horse for the first time or how the whole group gathered more trash than everyone else that one Clean-up Drive. The memories are forever.

My two serial killers and me.
So my little 'Serial Killers'- ignore those trash talking haters if you can.  I support you and always will.

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